Music Sets the Mood

Debbie Aruta-Watkins
3 min readJan 22, 2023


Photo by blocks on Unsplash

I have recently discovered a new musical artist and as it is not the kind of music I typically listen to, I found myself swaying to it, it has me watching the rain outside my office window and daydreaming. This type of music has me entranced. I am not sure how I heard of this female artist, but I have listened to nothing else except her. Her name is Alela Diane.

I heard you exhale, you have heard her, been listening to her, and have wondered if I was under a rock. I usually listen to a coffee playlist or an unwinding one, but someone online told me to check her out. She has a very unique voice. She reminds me of ’70s music or something else I cannot quite put my finger on. Very Folksy music and it calms my soul.

Since listening to her I have fallen down a rabbit hole. She reminds me of A, and off I go to B, C, D, and E. I listen to artists I never heard of. I am expanding my musical taste to include new age, Jazz, Nahko Bear, and on and on the list goes. I usually listen to country, but I am enjoying this rabbit hole.

I have been so heavenly into country music that I am missing so much more. I want music that speaks to my soul, that has me mesmerized, and that touches my soul down deep. I love my country music artists, I am not saying I do not, but at 54 I realized my eyes are not widening my world but shrinking it. I still want to be moved by what I am hearing and right now Alela Diane is hitting that cord.

I am a homebody. I like my world tiny. I like things in my home, they make me feel cozy, but I am realizing that there is a bigger world out there that can make me cozy just the same. We love Louis Armstrong in this house. We love Pop, jazz, and the new age music too. I am trying to keep an open mind. I am so thankful for the friend who suggested Alela Diana. I am thankful I was receptive to hearing about this artist.

I am sure at some point I will be in love with another artist, but Alela Diane, and some others will move with me into my future love of new artists. If you have not heard of her I suggest you look her up. I do not know if anyone remembers the Garden of Make believe in the 70s. I feel this music would fit that show perfectly.

May we all keep opening our horizons and seeing this world for the amazing adventure it is for us all. Music can set the mood and music can allow us to venture safely into new waters. There was a local band a few years back and I even went to see them in concert and got all their signatures on a photo of a guitar I took and brought with me. They all signed it and I still have it to this day. Some friends took me back stage to meet them and I am still thrilled about it.

May today and tomorrow bring you happiness, love, and an open heart to new experiences, both with music and the rest of your life.



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