Morning Magical Music

Debbie Aruta-Watkins
3 min readApr 23, 2023


Sara Shute

The cacophony of the bird song greets me as I awake. Before I even open my eyes, I hear them, the birds, all in song and in perfect harmony. As I sit up, I must smile. They have awoken me from my deep slumber. They sing to me about the promise of a new day. I listen to the joy in their combined voices and I am reminded of how magical this day will be. As they continue their magical morning melody I listen and feel joy fill my heart. The sweet tiny voices are a magical balm that allows me to start the day in the most perfect way.

As I gaze out my window, I see nothing. The sky is still black as coal, the full moon is subsiding, and the sun’s rays have not yet peaked its head out from its hiding spot on the other side of the world. As I gaze out, I continue to hear their magical musical makings of their morning concert. I see nothing as the world is still blanketed in darkness, but their heavenly sound is soothing to my newly awoken spirit.

The birds are singing a lovely morning song. Perhaps a song to the other birds for them to come gather in my trees. A morning call to start the day. I hear a solo bird and then a duet starts, the trees are alive and singing me into the start of what I am sure will be the most magical day.

As I listen to the magic lyrics of their tweet tweets that is being played out before my eyes and ears, I cannot help but think about my day. How this music is a gift and so is this new day. The birds know to wake up with joy and sing. No one has taught them how to be joyful, they just know it. It is a gift they graciously share with me. Music sooths our souls, both theirs and mine. It has different tempos and movements and the birds each play their part in this morning’s song. This concert is for all the hear, but I imagine others hustling off to work and not hearing the magic they share with us all. It is a shame as it is so wonderful to wake up and hear.

As the morning light flits into the world, more birds fly into my back yard. The music crescendo’s as the world is waking up. I hear cars starting up down the block. I hear the 8AM train whistle as it blows long and hard as it goes through town. All these noises playing a part in this magical morning of music that I am blessed to be a tiny part of.

I hear birds flittering by my window to tease my cat. And then a giant hawk lands on a branch with a thud and all the birds go quiet. Hiding from this large creature they stay silent, until an owl hoots and all the music starts again. It is like a second act beginning to tell me to get a move on with my day. A gift presented to me to start my day.

Soon the colors in the light changes. The darkness gives way to hues of deep blues, rich pinks and then a light orange taints the skies. Then bit by bit brightness filters in and the colors fade away. All that remains is that bright bold light that washes everything out. The birds notice it too and once again they start to sing a new song. This time it is a warble warble melody. They seem to have a play list that only they know. I sit and listen as long as I can but work calls and I must go. I say a silent thank you for this blessing they shared with me today. For without it I would not appreciate this day. Their song reminded me to be joyful, to sing out loud, to start each day with a little magic. For the birds and their sweet music, I am forever grateful. Their combined voices a reminder of the magic in this world. Perhaps tomorrow they will grace me with the musical magical making again.



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