Cottage Get Away
Melanie arrived at the cottage first. She worked it out so she worked half a day and so she could arrive before her friends. She opened the windows; she let the breeze flow through the wide-open windows and wake up the cottage. She walked to the kitchen and placed her bags of food along with her basket of wild flowers she bought. She had hours before her friends arrived. She gathered old glass mason jars from the cupboards and made three arrangements for each bedroom. She gathered water pitchers and filled each one. One at a time, she took a flower arrangement and a pitcher of water to each bedroom a friend was staying in. She wanted each room to be welcoming.
On the bureau in each room, she placed a tray full of bath products and candles, a few sheets of writing papers, some beautiful fountain pens, and some books she had chosen for each friend. No detail left off. She had planned this weekend at her family’s cottage for months. Coordinating four people for one get away was tricky. One had a friend’s wedding one weekend; another had her child’s best friend’s birthday party to attend. Others had work conflicts, but finally this was their three-day weekend away. Monday was a national holiday and no one would need to be anywhere other than with each other.
Melanie made another trip to the car for the bottles of wine she brought with her. She had every aspect covered. Games, wine, friendship, and fun. On her last trip to the car, her friends all pulled up in one vehicle. They decided to carpool at the last minute and share the expense of gas. Melanie left her hatch up and ran to hug her friends. They all embraced her and commented on how nice her family cottage was. She was just thrilled they had finally come. She showed them the down stairs lay out and let them to the back circular patio where five chairs were set up around a fire pit, which was warm and toasty.
Everyone sat, Melanie brought them all a glass of wine, and then she joined them. They gazed out at the lake down in the valley and listened to the birds as they flew by seeming to sing a sweet melody as they went overhead. It sounded like the birds were serenading them. Melanie looked around at her best friends and she literally heard them each exhale and each sigh. One by one they relaxed and leaned into the three day weekend. Melanie had been worried for nothing, because soon they were teasing one another, joking about the last time they managed to get together, and how they needed to do this more often. All agreed to make this an annual trip, but Melanie knew next year would roll around and no one would have time to come.
The next morning all awoke refreshed, ready for fresh ground coffee, and orange juice. Melanie had been to the bakery before her guests awoke and set a smorgasbord up for everyone. Everyone said good morning to everyone and took a plate to the deck to watch the sun and eat outdoors. Melanie made sure everyone had enough to eat, made up her own plate, and joined them. Melanie told everyone the plans for the day; they all just looked outside and spoke not a word. Melanie was confused, so she said the day’s plans again. Finally one of her friends said what was on everyone’s minds, can this be today’s activity? Let us just watch the sun, relax, talk and eat. Melanie had to admit that sounded more relaxing then her day of running around the town to shop and frantically try to fit in the board games, the hiking, and the cycling. Melanie decided they were right and agreed to just watching the sun.
Later that day everyone wanted to go down to the lake to go swimming. They all packed into Melanie’s car and she drove them down the mountain. They had each helped pack a large picnic basket so everyone could have lunch on the beach. Someone ever thought to bring a Frisbee.
Arriving at the lake, everyone spread out his or her towels and blankets. They took off their clothes over their swimsuits and dove into the water. Everyone splashed each other and were having fun. Melanie had bought a water football, jumped in, and started tossing it to her friends. After an hour in the water, everyone was thirsty and hungry. Open air and water seemed to do that to people. Melanie got the jugs of tea out of her car. They were in an iced cooler in the trunk. Her friends helped carry the food. Everyone sat on Melanie’s huge blanket, ate, and talked. Jokes were flying about college stunts tried and attempted. Each person laughing and teasing the others. Melanie thought about how easy this group of people were to be around.
Later on, with full bellies, each person dozed on and off on their towels. The air off the lake became a little chilly and one by one, they decided it was time to return up the mountain to their temporary home. Everyone piled into the car they headed back up, each telling their favorite part of the day. No one else had joined them on the beach. They had the entire place to themselves and after all that was said, they sat in a new closeness to each other. Each had shared things no one knew about them, each had opened their hearts, and Melanie treasured them even more.
Back at the cottage Melanie started to fix dinner, but two of her friends told her to go relax by the fire that they made in the tall stone fireplace and to relax. They placed before her and their other friends a cheese platter with some grapes and crackers. Melanie finally sighed herself and relaxed into the love of her friends. She kept asking if they needed help, but they assured her they did not. She nibbled on the crackers and cheese, curled into a ball in the giant leather armchair, and watched the flames dance.
That night everyone turned in early. All were exhausted from their lake outing and all the fresh air spilling in the open windows. Fresh air does a soul good. Melanie woke up the next morning late. She smelled coffee. She realized she was a bad host and slept in. All her friends spoiled her. They poured her coffee and made her a plate of blueberry French toast and eggs, with a side of sausage and bacon. Melanie sat on a stool and just watched her friends. She loved every one of these great souls. Tomorrow they would all head home at different times. Melanie would stay another day and clean house, but for today, nothing planned. They all could explore in town, go hiking, go to the lake again, or lounge on a chair inside or out. Melanie was sad this weekend was ending but they had one last day and she was going to make the most out of it.
Today everyone agreed to play board games, to go shopping in town, and hike the trails Melanie loved. They all decided to shower her with love in their own way. After breakfast and morning games, they showered and everyone headed into town to shop. Everyone had their favorite bagel shop, or their favorite craft store, but Melanie just kept going in and out with different friends through the day. She brought a new key chain with the town name on it. She bought homemade blueberry jam for more French toast. Everyone wandered and eventually everyone arrived at the Black Bean coffee shop. Sitting together sipping coffee and tea, Melanie noticed everyone else looking at her. They spoke of the wonderful time they had with her, they were sad to be leaving her to go to work again. Melanie had hoped to stretch this weekend into one more day, but no one could work that out with their schedules.
Back at the cottage, in the evening, everyone was packing for their departure the in the morning. Melanie sat watching it all. Bags arriving at the front hall. Pillows piled on top. Bags filled with goodies for loved ones back home. They built another fire in the stone fireplace and they all watched the fire burn. They sat and drank wine; they talked openly about difficulties they all faced in their jobs, but this time also with their loved ones. Melanie treasured their time together, but she had no spouse or kids back home. She did not even have a cat. Maybe asking her friends to come alone was too much, so she stood up and said, “Next year bring everyone!” All her friends looked at her shocked. Melanie said, “We need to bring those we love into our circle and share this lovely house and weekend with the people we care about the most.”
Everyone piled into their cars the next morning. Hugs shared, tears cried. Not like, they would not see each other, but this sacred time for just them was ending if they let in their spouses. Everyone told Melanie they appreciated her opening her house and heart, but maybe this should just be a weekend for them alone. They each placed a sacred item in the house. A candle here, a new journal there, a little elephant statue over here. The house and tripped touched everyone differently, but they wanted to give back to the weekend and so they left mementos in the house as thanks to it and to Melanie.