20 Things in Life Worth Slowing Down For
1 min readMar 19, 2024
20 things, in life, worth slowing down for.
- 20 things, in life, worth slowing down for.
- listening to the world wake up
- gazing up and seeing the full moon
- babies first laugh, then their second, and third
- striking a match and listening to it swoosh as it lights
- waiting on the tea kettle to heat
- grinding your own coffee beans
- running your fingers over new journals and finding yours
- staying in on a rainy day, listening, and watching the rain
- watching the wildlife in your backyard
- gazing out a window
- re-reading your favorite book for the umpteenth time
- learning to knit s
- listening to the radio
- a walk during the golden hour
- spending time alone and doing nothing
- strolling the main street
- laundry drying on the line
- taking the time to talk with a neighbor
- hand write a letter
- listen to someone’s stories