10 Ways to Turn a Blue Day Around

Debbie Aruta-Watkins
1 min readMar 19, 2024


Photo by Alexandra Mirgheș on Unsplash

When the day is wet and you are stuck inside and feel blue, here are ten things to do when the weather has you feeling down.

  1. Put on some dance music and get up and dance as you did as a teenager. Grab your brush microphone and let your voice sing out.
  2. Light some candles. Smelling something we love makes us feel lighter, and takes some of the gloom away from the day.
  3. Make your favorite hot beverage, sit by a window, and watch the rain come down.
  4. Spend time with your art, whatever that may be.
  5. Read your favorite book again. You can never read it too many times.
  6. Play a game with your family. Laughing together is a great remedy for rainy-day blues.
  7. Call a friend or two. Catch up and make a date to see each other again.
  8. Write your mom or sister a letter and mail it. Getting love in the mail makes you feel loved, even on a stormy day.
  9. Grab your favorite blanket and watch your favorite movie for the 15th time.
  10. Write. Write a story, a poem, something that is light and happy that will remind you that the storm will move on soon enough.



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